I went to my own Women’s March in Chico! My daughter and my friends husband came with me and it was nice to have such diversity just in my little group! Younger gen, older gen, male and me! And there was such a turnout – all ages, genders, races, occupations! It felt so wonderful to be a part of something …
Yesterday, President Trump decided to disband his Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity. As you may know, LDF filed suit against the President and the Commission last summer on the grounds that it was formed to discriminate against African American and Latino voters. The Commission was also subject to seven other lawsuits challenging its lack of transparency and various violations …
[Letter from David F. Haas]
We must reduce the cost of health care in the U.S. because we can no longer afford it. Upper middle-class friends tell me that they cannot afford health insurance for next year. Anyone under 65 who buys individual insurance may be in serious trouble.
It does not have to be this way. Effective ways to …
…We have lost a few friends recently who have said they proudly voted for Trump and don’t want to hear a dissenting view. We are experiencing a level of dishonesty —“hate is love” , “War is Peace” , ” Guns equal safety” that it cannot be cheerfully ignored.We are past the point of being polite in the presence of intolerance,
The chicken has become a symbol of Trump’s unwillingness to release his tax returns. Is he chicken? November 18, 2017 was a Nation-wide protest against the Tax Bill. Here in Wisconsin the protest began in Fond du Lac at the Veteran’s Park, moved to Sun Dial Square in downtown Oshkosh; next to Houdini Square in Appleton and on to Green …
I listened in to Tom McClintock’s telephone Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday night and was in the cue to speak when he ran out of time. He was very candid and I left him a good audio message. He was unsure how he would vote saying he liked the business side of the tax bill but not the personal income …
Until Jerry and Penny come back to the area, I’ll be trying to get more involved in Democratic events and relay what I discover. I’m new to this activism, been fairly comfortable just letting things happen – but no more! What is in our White House now is horrific! Every belief I have is being trampled on and ridiculed all …
The Democratic Party needs a coherent message if it expects to win elections.
That message must speak to what we need in America.
What we need are more good paying jobs. The best anti-poverty program is a good paying job. The best family friendly policy is a good paying job. Vibrant communities are built on families having enough income to …
This excellent article lays out the arguments against partisan gerrymanders. The case will be heard October 3, 2017 in the U.S. Supreme Court. The decision will significantly impact the future of democracy in America. CLICK HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE.
Sunday, September 10, 2017 Penny and Jerry Scribner hosted a Meet and Greet for Josh Kaul, Democratic candidate for Wisconsin’s Attorney General, at their home in Neenah. It was a lovely early, fall afternoon as over forty neighbors, friends, and active Democrats gathered to listen to Josh speak about his commitment to keeping families and communities safe and protecting the …