The American Healthcare system is sick. The fundamental reason is that there is no competition. Staying alive is not something a buyer can choose to forego. You don’t have to buy a car if it is too expensive or you can buy a cheaper, smaller one, or a used one. The same is true of a television, furniture, a house …
A business executive and non-profit leader has announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination in Wisconsin’s sixth congressional district.
Kohl released the following statement:
“I’m 51 years old and I cannot remember a time when people in this country were so anxious about the present and so concerned about their futures and their children’s future. I’m running for Congress because …
You probably have seen this. I am frankly becoming terminally discouraged by Bernie’s revolution. The Republican agenda is deeply flawed. But so too is a progressive agenda long on societal responsibility and short on personal responsibility with no hint of how to pay for it. Jerry
An open letter to Democratic Strategists—JUNE 2017
An article in the June 5th edition of the NY Times describes how Democrats are coalescing around new directions. Every one of them involves taxpayer funded freebies. The common denominator was “free” as in free college tuition and free childcare and free income support of $250 per child. Work was never mentioned. Nor …
by Ken Malovos
“I run for President as a proud Democrat. I come from the long tradition of the party that brought America Social Security, stock market regulation and jobs during the depression, freedom and peace at the end of two World Wars, Medicare, the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, nuclear disarmament treaties, a man on the moon …

We are feeling good about the overall change we are seeing in the electorate. Each passing day brings more awareness of how bankrupt the Republican Agenda for America is and how totally inept if not corrupt our President is. There is no joy in saying “I told you so” to the people who voted for this administration and Republican Congress …
With the help of the some on our side, he just might.
Trump would not be serving even one term if those on the left who want the party to be more liberal had voted for our nominee in 2016. Had they done so, we could all be urging President Clinton to implement progressive policies instead of watching the country …