Whether we call ourselves “progressives”, “democrats”, “independents”, “indivisibles” or disillusioned republicans, we can ALL work to change the direction of the country by changing who represents us in washington. we must turn marches, protests, and resistance into change at the ballot box. and we will.
How Do We Do That?
WE FLY THE FLAG – Democrats love America including values such as honesty, reverence and respect for others, equality, diversity and tolerance. Don’t let the other party believe they own patriotism. Fly the FLAG because it represents all that is good about America.
WE REGISTER VOTERS – Voting is the lifeblood of democracy. It is “We the People”. We must overcome the other party’s campaign of voter suppression and government bashing.
WE DEMAND MEDIA RESPONSIBILITY – Confront newspapers and TV when they give free coverage to information they know is false or misleading. Write them, call them. If necessary picket them. Consider boycotting them and telling them why.
WE DEMAND TRUTH – Confront social media lies. Don’t just delete false news. Hit “reply all” and add the following: [This is mostly not true —Please check out this kind of stuff on websites like “Snopes” and “Factcheck.org”, and “Politifact.com” before forwarding “false news” aka lies —like this—to others. Spreading false information is undermining an important American value—the respect for truth].
WE INSIST FACEBOOK and GOOGLE – warn readers when LIES are being spread with their help. Not censorship just a “heads-up” to check before spreading further. This is something a responsible company owes America. Write them, call them. If necessary picket them. Consider boycotting them and telling them why.
WE JOIN OR CREATE – A Democratic club in your neighborhood. Have the club sponsor “what it means to be an American” essay contest with a cash prize” and other events. Recruit others who care about democratic values.
WE USE VISUAL MEDIA – Anyone can have Bumper stickers, Buttons and T-shirts made. Wear your beliefs. Be proud and positive. Make people think about theirs.
WE STAND UP FOR OUR BELIEFS – this means joining in boycotts, pickets, marches and other demonstrations against hate, discrimination, tax breaks for the rich, restrictions on voting and other efforts to undermine American institutions and values. Make “good noise” and “good trouble” as John Lewis has said for freedom and justice for all.
WE FOCUS ON FAIRNESS – wherever possible focus on fairness for ALL not just a segment of the population. It is true that Black Lives Matter as do Police lives. But more true is that “All Lives Matter”. ALL people deserve health care and fair drug prices. ALL of us should pay taxes. ALL of us deserve respect and fairness.
WE PAY ATTENTION TO GOVERNMENT DECISION MAKING – We show up at meetings of Boards of Supervisors, City Councils, and School Boards. They like hearing from real people not just paid lobbyists.
WE SHARE EVENTS FROM OTHER LIKE MINDED WEBSITES – You can find them under Resources the website addresses and information from all the other groups in our area. Check those for the latest events in your area.