The Problem with Politicians

Is the problem with politicians that they can’t be trusted to deliver what they promise? Or is it that we will only vote for those who promise us what we want to hear? We want to hear promises to solve complex problems with simple solutions—panaceas not unlike the miracle cures for over-eating and obesity with no exercise or dieting required.…

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Trump’s shut down is nothing more than the last gasp of a bully who won’t listen to the voices of reason in America even from those in his own cabinet. Billions of dollars for a concrete or steel wall that will take years to build is a monument not to border security but to ego and intransigence.

It is not …

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Our Values Are Our Future

Penny and I were part of the liberal over-reach in 1972 when we enthusiastically supported George McGovern. It would take twenty years and four Republican Presidents to climb back to the idealism and promise we voted for. Finally, because of a split in the Republican party, a liberal Democrat, Bill Clinton, was elected. For eight years the country moved forward …

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2 Candidates to Vote for – which one?

Dear friends,
We recently received an email from a friend who said:

“I was all ready to send emails to friends about voting for Jessica, when I saw the Sac Bee endorsement for Regina. If Jessica really has been less than honest, the Republicans will take full advantage of that. What’s your take?”

Jessica Morse  OR  Regina Bateson?

Our take …

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When should the law bend to a higher moral authority? Was it 1860 when, slaves escaping to freedom in the North were required to be apprehended and returned as property to their legal owners?

Was it in the 1960s when blacks were beaten and arrested for sitting at an all-white lunch counter when that was against the law.

Is it …

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