We don’t want to duplicate or compete with the great work being done by other groups also committed to registering more Democrats.  Many are listed below.  Please consult their websites for upcoming protests and other actions.

Democratic, Progressive and Indivisible groups in McClintock’s District

Auburn Area Democratic Club [AADC]
Mark Rosen, President
Email: mark@auburnareademocratics.com
Web page http://www.auburndemocrats.com
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Auburn-Area-Democratic-Club-158310267586322/
Meets: Ist Thursday of the month 7PM Beecher Room Placer Co. Library 350 nevada St, Auburn, free open to all
Membership: $25/year

Auburn Area Democratic Club
Post Office Box 6851
Auburn, CA 95604

Democratic Club of Lincoln
Serves the Lincoln area of Placer County.
Meets the third Thursday of each month in the Kitchen Room at Kiloga Springs Lodge on Sun City Blvd. in Lincoln Hills. 1167 Sun City Blvd., Lincoln, CA 95648
Social at 6:30PM. Meeting begins at 6:45pm
**Please check our website for meeting schedule as it may sometimes be held on different dates or location due to programming changes.
Contact email: lincolndems@gmail.com
Contact phone: 916-408-2263
Website: www.democraticcluboflincoln.org

Divide Democrats
Email: dividedemocrats@gmail.com
Meets: No meetings-email only
Membership: Not a formal group with dues

El Dorado Progressives
PO Box 586
Diamond Springs, Ca 95619
FB: https://www.facebook.com/ElDoradoProgressives/?fref=nf
Meets: 3PM second Sunday (3/12)  location TBD
Lincoln, CA

Indivisible Auburn
808 Lincoln Way, Auburn
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Indivisible-Auburn-Ca-1636194266687989/

A Chico, California-based group dedicated to the defense of human rights and human dignity and to the preservation of democratic values locally, regionally, and nationally through political engagement, direct action, and community collaboration.

Progressive Democrats of South Placer
Progressive Democrats of South Placer (PDSP) formerly known as Rocklin-Roseville Area Democrats, serves the metro areas of Rocklin, Roseville and South Placer County including Granite Bay and Loomis.
Meets the third Wednesday of each month at the Placer County Democratic Headquarters located at 699 Washington Boulevard, Suite B-7, Roseville, CA 95678.
Contact email: paulindaw@yahoo.com

Sierra Foothills Democratic Club
Meets 3/15 at 6pm at El Dorado Hills Raley’s Community Room

United Democrats of El Dorado County
John Savage, President
Email: savage956@hotmail.com
Meets: Last Thursday of Month at Denny’s in Placerville
Membership: $15/year